Daily Schedule

Note: The schedule below is tentative and subject to change. Please check back closer to the event for the finalized schedule.


Tuesday, September 12, 2023
7:30 AM – 6 PM Registration Hours
8:00 AM Registration / Breakfast
9:15 AM Opening Plenary
9:30 AM Welcome & Overview 
John Juhasz – INCOSE / Telepath Systems CEO
Chris Ciuca, Sr. VP Programs, SAE International
Edward Orcutt –  Brook Park City Mayor 
10:00 AM Dr Jimmy Kenyon, Director – NASA Glenn Research Center
Robert Pearce, Associate Administrator NASA Advanced Research Mission Directorate 
Christine Andrews, GE Aero Program Executive
Michael Sinnett, VP/GM – Boeing Product Development
Peter DeBock, Program Director – Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy
Graham Webb, Chief Sustainability Officer – Pratt & Whitney Sustainability
John Nairus – AFRL Director
11:30 AM Luncheon
12:30 PM E&M Technical Sessions
Track Session  Speakers | Topic
Energy & Infrastructure Advanced Power Generation

Mr. Shawn Bennett, Battelle | Hydrogen Hubs- Accelerating the Adoption of Hydrogen in the U.S.
Dr. (PhD) John Jackson, Idaho National Laboratory | The Department of Energy Microreactor Program and the MARVEL microreactor project
Lindsay Kaldon, NASA Glenn Research Center | NASA Fission Surface Power Project

Powering Mobility Electric Propulsion Dr. Rodger Dyson, NASA GRC | Nuclear Electric Strayton Propulsion
Mr. Ian Jakupcka, NASA GRC | Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Integration Concepts: Primary Fuel Cells and Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage
Mobility Technology Mobility Technology Mr. Michael Mulzer, DuPont | Enabling the development of next-generation e-mobility applications
Mr. Justin Scheidler, NASA GRC | Progress in Magnetic Gearing for Aeronautics and Space Applications
Dr. (PhD) Stanley Young, National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Research Findings for the Automation of Public Transport Systems with Battery-Electric Vehicles Operating Within Dense Urban Settings of Future Automated Mobility Districts
Value Chain & Systems Integration Digital Models: Hybrid Electric Mr. Spencer Furin, NASA GRC | Modeling Spacecraft Power Systems Using the SPACE Code
Mr. Donald Simon, NASA GRC | Initial Development of a Digital Twin Model for an Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Emulation Rig
2:00 PM Refreshments and Networking
2:30 PM E&M Technical Sessions
Track Session Speakers | Topic
Energy & Infrastructure Power Quality Mr. Nicolas Carbone, NASA GRC | Gateway Power Quality Lessons Learned
Mr. Xavier Collazo-Fernandez, NASA GRC | High Voltage DC (HVDC) Inverter & Permanent Magnet (PM) Motor Input Performance Evaluation
Powering Mobility SAF  / Hydrogen Dr. (PhD) Gurhan Andac, GE Aerospace | Qualification efforts on future SAF pathways
Mr. Matthew Moran, Moran Innovation LLC | Hydrogen Systems Development: Past, Present, and Future
Mr. Jeff Trudell, NASA GRC | Dual Hydrogen-Jet Fuel Aircraft – a path to low carbon emissions
Mobility Technology Materials Research Ms. Jennifer Chickola, DuPont | Polyimide for Hydrogen Wear and Sealing Applications
Mr. Alex Leary, NASA GRC | The Impact of Soft Magnetic Materials in Electrified Aircraft Applications
Dr. Andrew Woodworth, NASA GRC | Electrifying Aircraft Propulsion: Thermal issues of megawatt scale power dense electric machines and material solutions
Value Chain & Systems Integration MBSE/ Sim DIGITAL XFM Mr. Sachin Aggarwal, Safran Power USA LLC | Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Electrification of Air Travel
Mr. Matthew Hause, SSI | How to Fail at Digital Engineering
4:00 PM PANEL – Energy Generation & Storage – Moderator: Dr. Ajay Misra
PANEL — Hydrogen / SAF Alternate Fuel –  Moderator: Mr. Matt Moran
5:30 PM Welcome Reception / Celebration Cocktail Mixer
7:00 PM Adjourn
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
7:30 AM –  6 PM  Registration Hours
8:00 AM Registration / Breakfast / Exhibits
9:00 AM NASA Glenn Ctr Leadership

NASA Aeronautics Mission Directorate
FOUR Transformations for Sustainability, Greater Mobility, and Economic Growth
Timothy McCartney, Director NASA Glenn Aeronautics


 – High Speed Commercial Flight

 – Ultra Efficient Transportation

 – Future Airspace and Safety

 – Advanced Air Mobility

Summary & Wrapup

11:30 AM Luncheon
12:30 PM E&M Technical Sessions NASA Day Business Sessions I
Track Session    
Energy & Infrastructure Energy Storage / Research Mr Alex Kosyakov, Natrion | Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries using Natrion’s Lithium Solid Ionic Composite (LISIC)
Dr. (PhD) Eric Gratz, Ascend Elements | The Economics of EV Battery Recycling: Comparing Methods of
Returning Recycled Battery Materials Back to the Lithium-ion Battery Supply Chain
Dr (PhD) Rocco Viggiano, NASA GRC | Solid-state Architecture Batteries for Enhanced Rechargeability and Safety (SABERS) Beyond Li-Ion: Technology to Enable Sustainable Electric Aviation
Powering Mobility Hi Voltage Design Mr. Joe Fakult, Safran | Advanced High Voltage DC Generator System for Aerospace with Rapid Dynamic Response
Dr. (PhD) Pengyu Fu, The Ohio State University | High Voltage for Electrified Aircraft: Trends, Challenges, Research Needs and Recent Advances
Mr. Gian_Carlo Montanari, Ctr for Advanced Power Systems – FSU | Innovative insulation system design and partial discharge detection to optimize resilience of electrical transportation assets: aircrafts and aerospace
Mobility Technology Control / Communication Mr. Hunter Heiferling, Bluetronix Inc. | Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) – ‘vehicle to everything’ V2X Communications using Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning through Swarm Intelligence
Dr. Daniel Raible, NASA GRC | Some Aeronautical Communications Experiments
Value Chain & Systems Integration AAM System Analysis & Tools Mr. David Genter, Cummins, Inc. | An approach for incorporating learning into system design: System Level Assessment Methodology
Mr. Jonathan Litt, NASA GRC | Harnessing the Digital Transformation for Development of Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion Control Systems


2:00 PM Refreshments and Networking
2:30 PM E&M Technical Sessions NASA Day Business Sessions II
Track Session Speakers | Topic
Energy & Infrastructure MicroGrids & Power Distribution Dr. (PhD) Narasimha Prasad, NASA | Alternating Direct Current – A New Form of Efficient Energy Transmission for Renewable Sources
NASA Partnerships, Funding Opportunities (Schabes/Doehne)

-NASA GRC Educational Outreach

-NASA Technologies and Licensing Opportunities (King)

– SBIR/STTR Solicitations, SBIR IGNITE and I-Corp (Brandon White)

-Space Technology Research Grant (Hung Nguyen)

-Small Business Procurements
(Eunice Adams-Sipp)

Shelby Tyne, Hawthorne Caterpillar | Utilization of waste electricity in microgrid environments
Powering Mobility Hi Voltage Aero Safety Mr. Florian Bruder-Mandler, Bender GmbH & Co. KG | Insulation monitoring devices for aerospace applications
Dr. (PhD) Ian Cotton, The University of Manchester | Safety monitoring of high voltage cables in aerospace electrical systems
Dr. (PhD) Jeffrey Ewanchuk, Raytheon | Experimental Validation of a 1.2kV/1kA DC Solid-state Circuit Breaker at Emulated High-Altitude Conditions
Mobility Technology Airborne Systems – Urban eVTOL Mr. Prashanth Ramesh, The Ohio State University – Center for Automotive Research | HIL testing of a
Real-Time Propulsion, Thermal and Flight Controller for Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft Applications
Mr. Bill Tomek, NASA-Langley | NASA/Boeing Transonic Truss-Braced Wing High-Lift Test Phase II
Value Chain & Systems Integration Systems Methods & Verification Dr. (PhD) Christopher Barth, NASA GRC | Kilowatt Class Stirling Convertor Simulator System for Rapid Stirling Controller Testing
Mr. Eric Hendrics, NASA Glenn Research Center | Model-based Systems Analysis and Engineering (MBSA&E) for the Sustainable Flight National Partnership
Mr. Dave Sadey, NASA GRC | Electronic Load Evaluation for Aerospace Power System Verification
4:00 PM PANEL- Advanced Air Mobility | Moderator: Dr. Marla Perez-Davis
PANEL – Hybrid Electric Aircraft | Moderator: Mr. Ralph Jansen
5:30 PM Adjourn
Thursday, September 14, 2023
7:30 AM – 6 PM Registration Hours
7:30 AM Continental breakfast
8:00 AM Opening Plenary
Terry Boston – former PJM CEO
Todd Price – AlphaStruxure Senior VP of Development
Paul Stith, VP Global Transportation -Black & Veatch
Peter DeBock, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy
9:30 AM Refreshments and Networking
10:00 AM E&M Technical Sessions
Track Session Speakers | Topic
Energy & Infrastructure MicroGrids, Hydrogen & Infrastructure  
Dr. Peter Lilienthal, UL SOlutions | Microgrids: The Key Link between Clean Energy and Mobility
Mr. Charles Manto, Instant Access Networks, LLC | Car-charging Microgrids to the Rescue! — How growing EV-charging systems that threaten to overload commercial power grids might be just the thing to save them.
Powering Mobility Space Power Systems Mr. John H. Scott, NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate | Toward an Electric Power Utility on the Lunar Surface
Mr. George Thomas, NASA | A Modular AC to DC Interface Converter to Enable Lunar Surface Power Transmission
Wayne Weaver, Sandia National Laboratories | Energy Storage Requirements and Implementation for a Lunar Base Microgrid
Mobility Technology Hybrid Propulsion Systems Mr. Trevor Kramer, Tennessee Tech University | Zero Emission Commercial Aircraft Powered by Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Turbogenerator Hybrid Cycle
Mr. Shantanu Mishra, Rolls-Royce | Hybridization of CS-23 commuter aircraft platform – An overview of challenges and opportunities ahead of us
Value Chain & Systems Integration Safety, Cyber & Risk Management Mr. Nihanth Adina, The Ohio State University | Model-Based Fault Diagnostic Strategy for Microgrids Mr. Nihanth Adina, The Ohio State University | Model-Based Fault Diagnostic Strategy for Microgrids 
Ms Brianne DeMattia, NASA GRC | Advanced Battery Health Approaches for Electric Aircraft
Mr. Matthew Hause, SSI | Tilting at Windmills: Drivers, Risk, Opportunity, Resilience and the 2021 Texas Electricity Grid Failure
11:30 AM Luncheon
12:30 PM E&M Technical Sessions
Track Session Speakers | Topic
Energy & Infrastructure Power Electronics Ms. Kristen Boomer, NASA Glenn Research Center | Wide Bandgap (WBG) Power Electronics in NASA Missions
Dr. (PhD) Matthew Granger, NASA GRC | Design and Test Results for a High Efficiency, High Power Density, Low Output Ripple 1kV, 250kW Aerospace Motor Drive
Mrs. Alison Michalke, NASA GRC | Hard Fault Protection for a 1kV Silicon Carbide-based Aerospace Motor Drive
Powering Mobility Artemis Lunar Microgrids Mr. Nihanth Adina, The Ohio State University | Three-Layered Design, Protection & Control of Lunar DC Microgrids utilizing WBG based Flexible Dc Energy Router
Dr. Lee Rashkin, Sandia National Laboratories | Analysis and Testing of Optimal Power Control Strategy for NASA Moon Base Interconnected DC Microgrid System
Mobility Technology Autonomy and Mobility  
Mr. Jonah Sachs-Wetstone, NASA GRC | SUSAN Power/Propulsion System Emulation Test Predictions
-Dr (PhD) Stanley Young, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) | A Multi-dimensional Benefit Assessment of Automated Mobility Platforms (AMP) for Large Facilities
Value Chain & Systems Integration Value Chain, IP & Data Analytics Mr. Adam Maxam, P3 Adaptive | Harnessing Power BI for Performance Benchmarking and Best Practices Sharing in the Energy Industry: A Case Study
Mr. Daniel McMullen, Calfee | Intellectual Property Rights in and Responsibilities for Emerging Technologies in Energy; Mobility
Mr. Raymond Wolfgang, LCW Enterprises | Improve your Value Chain with Systems Engineering
2:00 PM Refreshments and Networking
Norman Campbell – Siemens Exec
PANEL – Microgrids and the GREAT GRID TRANSFORMATION | Moderator: Chuck Manto
4:00 PM PANEL – Systems & Models > DIGITAL ENTERPRISE | Moderator: David Long
5:00 PM Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Mixer Event
10:00 PM Adjourn
Friday, September 15, 2023
7:30 AM –  6 PM Registration Hours
7:30 AM Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM Opening Plenary
John Wharton – Major General US Army (ret)
Laura Parkan – VP Hydrogen Energy, Air Liquide
Jigar Shah – Head – Energy Services Electrify America 
David Long – INCOSE past President, Director of Strategy
9:30 AM Refreshments and Networking
10:00 AM E&M Technical Sessions
Track Session Speakers | Topic
Energy & Infrastructure Power Components  
Mr. Arman Mirhashemi, NASA Glenn Research Center | Operability Influenced Design of Turbine Engine Components
Ms. Nuha Nawash, NASA GRC | High-Power DC Switchgears Protection for Megawatt Electrified Powertrain Systems 
Powering Mobility Artemis Power Management Dr. Marc Carbone, NASA GRC | Adaptive Zonal Protection for Space Microgrids
Dr. Geoffrey Landis, NASA GRC | Thermoradiative Conversion for Space Power Systems
Mr. Yuzhou Yao, Ohio State University | Modular Multilevel GaN Based Ultra-high Power Density Electric Power Conversion and Transmission on the Lunar Surface
Mobility Technology Thermal / Insulation Mr, Nicholas Faenza, Exponent | Understanding the Fundamental Mechanisms Of Battery Thermal Runaway Propagation and Mitigation
Mr. Wesley Johnson, NASA GRC | Assessment of Insulation Systems for Aircraft Liquid Hydrogen Tanks
Value Chain & Systems Integration EV Economics & Infrastructure Jason Brewington, Kitu Systems, Inc. | The EV’s Grid Future – Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities
Mr Shelby Tyne Hawthorne Caterpillar | Utilization of Waste Electricity in Microgrid Environments
11:30 AM Luncheon
12:30 PM CLOSING SESSION – Plenary
  TRACK Leads Report – Best Paper Award
12:30 PM STUDENT PANEL – Education / Academic Focus
2:00 PM Refreshments and Networking
2:30 PM Sebastien Dubois – Clean Aviation (video)

CLOSING PLENARY – State of Energy & Mobility

Dr Ajay Misra – Moderator

4:00 PM Adjourn – Until E&M24!