J.D. Reeves - Deputy Director for Aerosciences, NASA Langley Research Center

John D. Reeves

  Deputy Director, Aerosciences

Dr. J.D. Reeves serves as the Deputy Director for Aerosciences within NASA Langley’s Research Directorate having been appointed to the Senior Executive Service in 2020. He provides executive leadership and oversight for the Center’s Aerosciences fundamental and applied R&T capabilities with responsibility over experimental and computational aerosciences research.Prior to his current role, he served as Langley’s Chief of Staff where he worked across all of Langley’s organizations to ensure the senior leadership team stayed coordinated and aligned with Center strategy and initiatives. He previously served as Langley’s Science Directorate Deputy Director and Associate Director for Advanced Planning and Technology where he provided leadership and strategy guidance to ensure a healthy future science portfolio for the Center.

Prior to 2016, J.D. served in various supervisory and cross-Agency leadership roles spanning space mission analysis and spaceflight architecture development studies. A graduate of NASA’s Mid-Level Leader Program, he additionally served in detail assignments to the Strategic Investments Division at NASA Headquarters,Proposal Development Office at NASA Langley, and Office of Strategic Integration at NASA Langley.

J.D. holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech, a Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech, and a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from George Washington University.
