Call for Papers & Presentations


We are still accepting presentation abstracts and panel proposals. If you would like to submit an abstract for presentation, or a panel proposal, click the  button below.

Welcome authors and presenters to the Energy and Mobility conference call for presentations.  At this time, the paper submissions are closed, but presentations and panel submissions are welcome.

A digital conference proceeding will be produced with all accepted papers and presentations.   Papers will be evaluated to be invited for inclusion in future SAE or INCOSE journals. 

Accepted Speakers are required to present in person at the conference.  There is no hybrid attendance option. We have a no podium no paper and no paper no podium policy.  

Paper acceptance will be based on organizer-moderated peer review of review-ready manuscript.

Event Technical Papers

SAE event papers are published approximately a week prior to the respective event and are published on MOBILUS® and are indexed in Scopus, Engineering Village (Ei Compendex), and IET Inspec. Authors initially submit abstracts for consideration, which are evaluated by subject matter experts. If accepted, full manuscripts are required, based on a timeline for each event. Approval to publish papers will be based on organizer-moderated peer review of a review-ready manuscript. Event papers are also considered for publication in the new conference proceedings journal: SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility

Topic Areas Sought:

  • Energy (Electrical, Microgrid, Storage, Sustainable Fuels, Hydrogen)
  • Mobility (Aviation, Automotive, Commercial Vehicles, Charging)
  • Space Systems & Technology, Power & Propulsion, Tech Transfer
  • Transportation Electrification, Infrastructure & Resilience
  • Autonomy & Advanced Control
  • Drones & Airborne Systems
  • Systems Integration, Security, Model-based SE
  • Business Value Chain / Supply Chain
* indicates required

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